Research reveals that the best way for people to escape poverty is through education. The cost of furthering education has been and will likely continue to be prohibitive for some of the individuals involved in our ministries. Many of these individuals are first generation students in the process of seeking post-secondary education choices. They need special assistance. With these things in mind, we ask you to prayerfully consider supporting a new endeavor of the Christian Education Team: The First Church Scholarship Fund.
The purpose of this Fund is to make post-secondary education more accessible for the students whom God has entrusted to our nurture and support. The Fund will function to aid anyone connected with First Church and/or bcmPEACE ministries who wishes to further their education beyond high school. This may include university, community college, or trade school. The Fund will be administered by the First Church Scholarship Fund Committee.
Application Requirements
Applicants must be an active member or attendee of the church or one of its core ministries.
In order to receive an award from the Fund, students will need to complete an application explaining future goals and plans to give back to their community. Additional prerequisites are an acceptance letter from the institution the student plans to attend, and the signing of a contract.
By signing the contract, students agree to attend class regularly, maintain passing grades, participate in bcmPEACE's Bright Futures, and upon gaining regular employment, return 10% of scholarship monies received to the fund. Decisions for approving scholarship applications will be made by the First Church Scholarship Fund Committee, and funds will be dispersed directly to the institution of enrollment.
Please email completed application forms to office@hbgfirstcob.org with the subject line "Scholarship Fund Application."
Support the Fund
Please prayerfully consider supporting this exciting new opportunity!! Checks can be made out to Harrisburg First Church of the Brethren with "Scholarship Fund" designated in the memo line.